Saturday, January 22, 2011

Healthy Mock Pate

My Uncle Sam LOVED liver pate so much that if you put some in front of him you might not get any for yourself. My mom used to make it and I'd buy it whenever we had company.  Actually it's the only way that I like liver.'s full of bad fat and cholesterol. I came across this recipe a few days ago and since I had lentils in the house I thought I'd give it a try. The recipe I found used walnuts, but I substituted pecans. This is pretty reminiscent of the real thing.

1 cup dried lentils
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1 onion, diced
1 tsp olive or vegetable oil
1 cup pecans
salt and pepper to taste

Cook the lentils in the broth for about 30 minutes over medium heat.( I found that I had to add a little water as they cooked to prevent them from drying out). Drain thoroughly, but save some of the broth.  Saute the onion in the oil until softened. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth.( You may need to add some of the reserved broth or water to accomplish this.) Season to taste with salt and pepper...I like a lot of pepper!
This makes 3 cups so feel free to halve the recipe.

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